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Tax dates

The third FAQ in the series. Clients need to know what the tax filing and payment dates are so here is a handy list.




Self-assessment income tax

Paper returns submission

October of year following financial year end

Digital submission

31 January of year following financial year end

Tax payment

31 January of year following financial year end

Corporation Tax

Submit to HMRC and Companies House

9 months after end of financial year. ie 31 December year end due 30 September.


9 months after end of financial year


Notifying HMRC of NIC and Tax due

Monthly by 19th of the the month following the payroll

Payment of NIC and Tax

Monthly by 19th of the month following the payroll


Notifying HMRC of sub-contractors payments deducted

Monthly by 19th of the month following invoice date

Payment of CIS deductions from sub-contractors

Monthly by 19th of the month following invoice date

Notifying HMRC of payments with-held from contractor income

By 5th of the month following, in line with PAYE periods


Deducted from NIC/PAYE payment due month after the month of submission


Submitting your return, quarterly

by the 7th of the month after the month following quarter end. ie quarter end March, due 7th May

Submitting your return, monthly

by the 7th of the month after the month following. ie January due 7th March

Paying your VAT, quarterly

As for the quarterly submission date

Paying your VAT, monthly

As for the monthly submission date


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